
You can use Nautilus to generate Markdown documents into one HTML file (including images).

You can see docs as a quick example.

Steps for writing a documents

  1. Create a directory for document files.
  2. Create a nautilus.json file to setup your document configuration.
  3. Write your document contents with Markdown format (see Markdown manual and Markdown Extra manual).
  4. Run the command php nautilus.phar generate at your document directory.

About nautilus.json

This is a full example of nautilus.json:

    "documents": [
            "title": "Document Title",
            "outputFilePath": "output/index.html",
            "theme": "default",
            "parameters": {
                "version": "v1.0.0",
                "updateAt": "2019/05/12 21:06:00"
            "markdownOptions": {
                "tableClasses": "table table-bordered w-auto mx-auto"
            "chapters": [
                    "title": "Chapter 1: Introduction",
                    "filePath": "chapters/",
                    "parameters": {}
                    "title": "Chapter 2: Requirements",
                    "filePath": "chapters/",
                    "parameters": {}
                    "title": "Chapter 3: Examples",
                    "filePath": "chapters/",
                    "parameters": {}
    "parameters": {
        "foo": "bar"
key name required description
documents Y The configuration of each document file.
parameters N The parameters using in markdown and themes (PHP templates).

documents configuration

key name required description
title Y The title of the document.
outputFilePath Y The output file path for generated document file (e.g.: output/index.html).
theme N The template file path (absolute path, or related path with working directory). Default: "default"
parameters N The parameters using in markdown and themes (PHP templates). Default: {}
markdownOptions N The markdown options. Default: {}
chapters Y Every document include many chapters, this is the configuration collection of each chapter.

chapters configuration

key name required description
title Y The chapter title.
filePath Y The chapter markdown file, file contents is Markdown format (e.g.: chapters/
parameters N The parameters using in markdown and themes (PHP templates). Default: {}

markdownOptions configuration

key name required description
enablePhpEval N Enable PHP eval function to run PHP scripts, and render document contents. Default: false
workingDir N Setup the working directory path, default is the current working directory of the console.
tableClasses N The table tag class attribute. Default: "table table-bordered"
theadClasses N The thead tag class attribute. Default: "table-active"

Console command

php nautilus.phar generate --help

This command will generate document files with the nautilus.json configuration.

  generate [options]

  -e, --enable-php-eval  Enable PHP eval function
  -h, --help             Display this help message
  -q, --quiet            Do not output any message
  -V, --version          Display this application version
      --ansi             Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi          Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose   Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Generate documents

Special Markups

Colored Text


  • {c:[red]}color text{/c}
  • {c:[#abc]}color text{/c}

Use PHP eval to run PHP scripts and show block content


$foo = 'bar'; 
echo $foo;

// Can use parameters from nautilus.json
$bar = $parameter;
echo $bar;

Use PHP eval to run PHP scripts and show inline content


  • @$foo='bar'; echo 'foobar';@
  • @$foo=$parameter; echo $foo;@ Can use parameters from nautilus.json